RESPONSIBILITIES, EXPECTATIONS & SELF CARE                                           

From us, and from you. 

Excellent Warriorz are punctual, informed, enthusiastic and engaging. We aim to support your efforts with welfare, support and organisation.

    We ask that you agree to the following statements:

    1. I will represent Eco Warriorz in a positive and appropriate way and will demonstrate commitment by fulfilling my role to the best of my ability in line with the briefing and any training provided.
    2. I will attend any advance or onsite safety briefing/ or training for the event.
    3. I will be 21 years old or over on the first day of the first event I am applying for.
    4. I will be available to volunteer on the days required of me as set out in my volunteer role profile.
    5. I will arrive at shifts on time and participate fully for the period of time specified to me.
    6. I will take breaks at the designated break times.
    7. I will not smoke during my shift. Smoking is permitted only at break times.
    8. I will wear any relevant uniform or Personal Protective Equipment provided at all times whilst on shift.
    9. I will be well presented and polite to members of the public whilst on shift while representing Eco Warriorz.
    10. I will bring with me and wear on shift, green items of clothing that ensure I am visible as an Eco Warrior while on shift. I will include creativity and care in my outfit. I understand that if I do not do this, I may not be allowed on shift.
    11. Eco Warriorz or its clients may pass on my data (including personal data) to event organisers, the police and other checking agencies, as is deemed necessary for the safe and secure running of the event.
    12. I understand that it is expressly forbidden to consume alcohol or drugs whilst (or immediately prior to) volunteering. Eco Warriorz reserves the right to have any volunteer found to be volunteering under the influence of alcohol or drugs or behaving in a manner that might bring the event into disrepute, removed from the event site and their deposit shall be forfeited.
    13. I will arrive on the event site with everything I need to support myself until I leave the event site. This includes clothing for all weathers, food, money and general camping equipment.
    14. I understand that Eco Warriorz is not responsible for the personal possessions of any Eco Warriorz volunteers.
    15. I will comply with the event’s policies at all times during my attendance at the event.
    16. I understand that Eco Warriorz, event security and event management reserves the right to conduct searches on entrance and exit to the event site as well as any time during the event, whether I am on or off shift.
    17. I understand that Eco Warriorz and its clients (event organisers) may take photographs or videos of me for my application process or during my attendance at the events and use them on its website and other media for campaign, marketing and training purposes.
    18. I consent to having my contact details added to the Eco Warriorz volunteer database so that I may be contacted about my volunteering and will be added to the Eco Warriorz email list for future events. I can unsubscribe at any time
    19. I have read and understood that if my behaviour falls outside any of these standards it may lead to my eviction from the site and my deposit being forfeited. Eco Warriorz reserves the right to initiate this process without first giving a warning if a volunteer has broken these standards of behaviour outlined in the volunteer agreement.
    20. I understand that as a volunteer on any event site, I must adhere to the same terms and conditions as any public ticket holder and will be dealt with in the same way as anyone found to be breaching the terms and conditions of the event.
    21. I understand that I am expected to camp in a designated crew camping area with other Eco Warriorz
    22. I will report to my Eco Warriorz team leader at the beginning and end of each of my shifts in order to be marked as attending. 
    23. I will be given 1 food token per completed shift only if I have checked in at the beginning of my shift and completed the whole shift to the satisfaction of my team leader.
    24. I will raise any concerns I have with my team leader, or an Eco Warriorz organiser
    25. I will act with respect for others around me
    26. By registering to join and further, by paying my deposit, I agree to these terms.


    1. Thank you

    Volunteer agreement 2024 

    Lingo Design Ltd  – T/A Eco Warriorz.