After smashing it in 2023, Eco Warriorz are heading back to Boomtown for another year of eco-antics! The fields last year were the cleanest they’ve ever been left. Ready to make it another record year? Join the team by applying here today!

Boomtown 2023 – a dedicated space!

With so much happening this year at Boomtown – including the new ‘Agents of Change’ and Waste Warriorz – we’ve set up a special page just for Boomtown

The Big One

It’s official! Eco Warriorz are an official supporter of The Big One! 100,000 people, Houses of Parliament & Westminster, April 21st- 24th – London – probably the biggest eco event of the year! There are much needed volunteer roles for campsite crew, stewards and much more. We are joining the likes of Greenpeace and Friends […]

Accessibility Information & Future Plans

Taking appropriate care of the welfare and accessibility needs of our volunteers is incredibly important to us.   We are working on this but can admit we still have a way to go, and for the safety of everyone we feel it is crucial to communicate clearly about the challenging aspects of the role of an […]

Cleanfields at Creamfields

Just got time to post a few of our favourite pictures from our first time at Creamfields south! What a weekend!

Steps to Volunteering with Eco Warriorz

The process to becoming a volunteer Eco Warrior includes videos, fun zoom trainings and deposits. It’s important that we gather all the information needed carefully and hold it securely, so this year we have upgraded to a new admin system called ‘Groop‘! This helps us take care of your registration process better, and it’s now […]

New Dates Added!

With festival season around the corner you can be forgiven if your daydreams consist of massive stages, dancing in fields and crazy camping capers…and to help those fertile imaginations…  ANNOUNCED:  4 more incredible events! Make a difference, spread good eco vibes and have a wicked time attttttt: 1. Creamfields, Essex 2nd – 5th June A […]


On Midday, Wednesday 09/03/22 – registration for this year’s Eco Warriorz will go live! So far we have a potential 7 – YES, SEVEN event bookings being confirmed… with one very BIG ONE in the bag already….. BOOMTOWN 2022!! From next Wednesday you will be able to sign up to be a part of something […]

NEW! Meet the Crew Page

We’ve added a new, exciting page to our Eco Warriorz website: Say hello to Chris, Jo and Liz – and keep your eyes peeled for Rory and Ian who will be added soon!

2022 – We’re Coming to Get You!

The blazing hazy days of the first post-covid festivals are fading behind us (along with our festival tans) – and the temptation to slide into a mountain of festive food and films and ‘sign off’ for the year is super strong. However, now is not the time to rest. NOW is the time for big […]