The Epic Campsite Waste Reduction Crew


The Epic Campsite Waste Reduction Crew


Fields of Green @ Isle of Wight Festival

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The end of the short and unusual 2021 festival season was marked by some of the greenest fields left behind after a festival we’ve seen in recent years!

The majority of tents at the Isle of Wight festival were packed down and taken home, especially in the ‘Purple’ camping fields – the ones the Eco Warriorz were operating in – plus most of the rubbish was bagged up and separated into specific recycling bags, and not just left strewn across the field! โ™ป๏ธ

Plenty of clean green patches left by tidy campers!

Well done to the Eco Warriorz team!! By bringing your positive vibes, we spread a change in behaviour and help maintain a green site wherever we go! Thank you for your hard work and approachable, fun attitudes, the festival has definitely benefitted from your wonderful energies!! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ

We still have a long way to go, and will need to bring a larger team to reach the campsites we werenโ€™t in – but this year recruitment was tough, thanks to Covid, of course.

There is room for signage improvement and myth busting to inform festival goers of the facts – but we are getting there and managing to have a huge impact even with a small amount of hardworking volunteers.


Best of all, we all had a really good time too – highlights from the weekend included screaming so hard at Primal Scream that we all were rather croaky afterwards and swaying along to the incredible Tom Jones, plus a lot of laughs on the festival fairground rides!

A huge thank you to the sustainability team at the festival, to the folks at ‘Love Your Tent’ and ‘Herts for Refugees’ and maybe hopefully we’ll see you again in 2022!

Eco Warriorz.

P.S. The video below was created by victorious volunteer, Connor – who kindly took the time to collect photos from the rest of the crew, and combine them with the footage he recorded over the weekend. What a lovely way to remember a brilliant weekend!

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